Why do I need to submit personal information such as my date of birth for an insurance quote?

This information is required so we can get you an accurate quote. Insurance companies base your rates on location, age, and other personal information, so we need this information to get you an accurate quote.

What is SR-22 Insurance?

SR22 Insurance filings are attached to your auto insurance policy and monitored by the Texas Department PUBLIC SAFETY (DOT),which proves that you have state required auto insurance coverage. SR22 Insurance ensures your ability to pay for damages if you are held liable for an auto accident. SR22 Insurance can be issued for 1 year when you get a no insurance ticket, or up to 3 years because of DUI, DWI, and other major violations OR SOME CRIMANAL ACTIVITY OR TICKETS.

How do auto insurance companies determine my insurance rate?

Some of the factors that influence your premium include: age or driving experience, how your vehicle is used, driving history, claims history (number of accidents), make and model of your vehicle& geographic location. Your rate is also determined by how much insurance you purchase. Drivers in Texas are required to have a liability policy, but we also offer full (COMP & COLL)coverage auto insurance.

Does Rapid Auto Insurance & Tax offer instant proof of insurance? YES YES

Yes. Call us today at (210) 299-1040 to get started or to learn more.
OR E MAIL US AT [email protected]